冯雨晴,男,1989年7月出生,博士,讲师,2020年毕业于中国地质大学(北京)地质学(水文地质学)专业,后在南方科技大学从事博士后工作。近几年主要在青藏高原开展水文地质相关的科学研究,主要科从事气候变化下区域冰冻圈变化及其生态水文效应和生态水文地质的相关研究,从事科学研究以来共计发表论文及专利24项,其中SCI论文17篇、中文核心7篇 其中第一作者和通讯作者10篇,授权专利3项。目前主持河北省教育厅青年拔尖项目1项,省级平台课题1项,中国地质科学院水环所外协项目1项、校内博士启动基金1项,参与国家级课题4项。
一、 主要研究方向:
二、 科研项目
l 河北省教育厅青年拔尖项目:黄河源区冻土退化及其对源区径流影响的定量评估(主持)
l 中国地质科学院水环所外协项目:黄河流域上游水文地质水资源调查冰下融水的径流效应模拟(主持)
l 河北省高校生态环境地质应用技术研发中心开放基金:滹沱河流域地表基质分类及调查初探(主持)
l 河北地质大学博士科研启动基金:多年冻土退化对流域地下水循环模式的模拟与趋势预测研究(主持)
l 国家自然科学基金重大计划培育项目:气候变化影响下黑河上游山区地下水-地表水-冻土层间水的流动与热传导耦合机理研究(骨干参与)
l 国家自然科学基金重大计划重点项目:雅鲁藏布江流域地下水的分布特征与演变规律(骨干参与)
l 国家自然科学基金重大计划重点项目:西南河流源区地下水变化机理和模型研究(骨干参与)
l 国家自然科学基金面上项目青藏高原深大断裂影响下的跨流域地下水流模式研究(参与)
三、 代表性论文
1. Feng, Y., Jiang, K., Kuang, X., Yao, Y., Liang, S., Yu, K., ... & Zheng, C. (2024). The dual role of meltwater in buffering river runoff in the Yarlung Zangbo Basin, Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, 54, 101857.
2. Feng, Y., Kuang, X., Liang, S., Liu, S., Yao, Y., Xie, Y., & Zheng, C. (2021). A Simple and Efficient Method for Correction of Basin-Scale Evapotranspiration on the Tibetan Plateau. Remote Sensing, 13(19), 3958. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs13193958(Q1)2021-10-02
3. Feng, Y., Liang, S., Kuang, X., Wang, G., Wang, X. S., Wu, P., et al. (2019). Effect of climate and thaw depth on alpine vegetation variations at different permafrost degrading stages in the Tibetan Plateau, China. Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research, 51(1), 155–172. https://doi.org/10.1080/15230430.2019.1605798(Q3)
4. Xiong, K., Feng, Y.*, Jin, H. et al.(2023) A new model to predict soil thermal conductivity. (2023)Scientific Reports 13, 10684(Q2)2023-07-01
5. Zhao Y., Zou Y., Ma E., Zhaoqiang Zhou Z., Feng Y.*, et al. (2023). Can groundwater storage in turn affect the cryospheric variables? A new perspective from nonlinear dynamic causality detection,Journal of Hydrology, 624, 129910.(Q1)2023-09
6. Yuan, N., Feng, Y.*, Liang, S., Wang, G., Yin, T., Yan, D., et al. (2022). Spatial gathering characteristics of drought in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 10:1008886. https://doi.org/10.3389/fenvs.2022.1008886(Q2)2022-10-19
7. Yin, T., Feng, Y.*, Liang, S., Wang, G., Yuan, N., Yan, D., et al. (2022). A suitable method for alpine wetland delineation: An example for the headwater area of the yellow river, Tibetan Plateau. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 10, 1062954. https://doi.org/10.3389/fenvs.2022.1062954(Q2)2022-12-13
8. Yi, W., Feng, Y.*, Liang, S., Kuang, X., Yan, D., & Wan, L. (2021). Increasing annual streamflow and groundwater storage in response to climate warming in the Yangtze River source region. Environmental Research Letters, 16(8), 084011. https://doi.org/10.1088/1748-9326/ac0f27(Q1)
9. Ding, Y., Feng, Y., Chen, K. et al. Analysis of spatial and temporal changes in vegetation cover and its drivers in the Aksu River Basin, China. Sci Rep 14, 10165 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-024-60575-9
10. Hao, Y., Kuang, X., Feng, Y., Wang, Y., Zhou, H., & Zheng, C. (2023). Discovery and genesis of helium-rich geothermal fluids along the India–Asia continental convergent margin. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 360, 175-191.
11. Zou, Y., Kuang, X., Feng, Y., Jiao, J. J., Liu, J., Wang, C., et al. (2022). Solid Water Melt Dominates the Increase of Total Groundwater Storage in the Tibetan Plateau. Geophysical Research Letters, 49, e2022GL100092. https://doi.org/10.1029/2022GL100092 (Q1)
12. Zhu, M., Kuang, X., Song, C., Feng, Y., He, Q., Zou, Y., ... & Zheng, C. (2024). Glacier‐fed lakes are significant sinks of carbon dioxide in the Southeastern Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 129(4), e2023JG007774.
13. Hao, Y., Gong, Q., Kuang, X., Feng, Y., Zhou, H., & Zheng, C. (2024). Degassing of mantle‐derived helium from hot springs along the India‐Asia continental collision settings: Origins, migration velocity and flux. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 25(2), e2023GC011297.
14. He, Q., Kuang, X., Ma, E., Chen, J., Feng, Y., & Zheng, C. (2024). Evolution of runoff components and groundwater discharge under rapid climate warming: Lhasa river basin, Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Hydrology, 628, 130556.
15. Zhou, H., Kuang, X., Hao, Y., Wang, C., Feng, Y., Zou, Y., ... & Zheng, C. (2023). Magmatic fluid input controlling the geochemical and isotopic characteristics of geothermal waters along the Yadong-Gulu rift, southern Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Hydrology, 619, 129196.
16. He, Q., Kuang, X., Chen, J., Hao, Y., Feng, Y., Wu, P., & Zheng, C. (2023). Glacier retreat and its impact on groundwater system evolution in the Yarlung Zangbo source region, Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, 47, 101368. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejrh.2023.101368
17. He, Q., Kuang, X., Ma, E., Chen, J., Feng, Y., & Zheng, C. (2023). Reconstructing runoff components and glacier mass balance with climate change: Niyang river basin, southeastern Tibetan plateau. Frontiers in Earth Science, 11, 1–18. https://doi.org/10.3389/feart.2023.1165390
18. 冯雨晴, 梁四海, 吴青柏,等. 冻土退化过程中植被覆盖度的变化研究[J]. 北京师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2016, 52(3):311-316.
19. 冯雨晴, 梁四海, 洪涛,等. 黄河源湖间冻土区温度场与活动层厚度的变化[J]. 人民黄河, 2015, 37(5):15-19.
20. 吴盼, 冯雨晴, 梁四海,等. 基于GLDAS与TVDI降尺度反演土壤含水量[J]. 北京师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2016, 52(3):265-270.
21. 梅亮,匡星星,梁四海,冯雨晴,何秋乐,宋爽.黑河上游葫芦沟流域不同水体稳定同位素特征[J].人民黄河, 2019, 41(11):30-35+64.
22. 齐蕊, 王旭升, 万力, 黄金廷,冯雨晴等. 地下水和干旱指数对植被指数空间分布的联合影响:以鄂尔多斯高原为例[J]. 地学前缘, 2017, 24(2):265-273.
23. 何秋乐,匡星星,梁四海,焦赳赳,冯雨晴. 1966~2015年长江源冰川融水变化及其对径流的影响:以冬克玛底河流域为例[J]. 人民长江, 2020, 51(2): 77-85.
24. 吴盼, 赵信文, 顾涛, 江拓, 王旭升, 冯雨晴.. 粤港澳大湾区水资源现状及其与社会经济协同演化趋势——与国际湾区对比研究[J]. 中国地质, 2021, 48(5): 1357-1367.
25. 梁四海, 冯雨晴, 吴盼, 成业. 达西渗流实验仪[P]. 北京:CN206075673U, 2017-04-05.
26. 梁四海, 冯雨晴, 吴盼, 成业. 供水水箱仪[P]. 北京:CN206070473U, 2017-04-05.
27. 薛硕, 冯雨晴, 梁四海. 温度场控制下的寒区地下水运移模拟装置[P]. 北京:CN207280990U, 2018-04-27